Chloe Rose
Chloé Rose, a graduate of the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising, embarked on a mission to create a swimwear brand that showcased her unique and playful style. After extensive research and dedication to understanding the intricacies of the swimwear industry, Chloé Rose launched her first collection in Santa Monica. Opening a small kiosk near the beach, she was pleasantly surprised by the overwhelming response from customers, selling multiple bikinis within minutes. Today, Chloé Rose remains involved in every aspect of her brand, designing each style, selecting fabrics, and collaborating closely with her California-based manufacturer. Her brand exudes youthfulness and vibrancy, offering cheeky cuts, bright velours, denim looks, and signature pieces that embody her vision. Keep an eye out for Chloé Rose as she travels along the West Coast in her iconic 1973 Volkswagen Bikini Bus, spreading her love for Chloé Rose Swimwear to beach babes everywhere.