Concealing Like A Beauty Guru
Choosing the right concealer for your skin tone and applying it like a professional is absolutely critical for achieving a beautiful complexion.With the huge clutter of products and advice coming from every direction, it can be difficult to master the art of concealing. We have sliced through all of the chaos, bringing you the most important tips for concealing like a beauty guru, from buying the right product to applying it with the right technique.
Choosing The Right Concealer
The key to choosing the right product is to make the selection based on your skin type. Is your skin dry, oily, normal, combination and/or sensitive? As a rule of thumb, liquid concealers work well for oily and combination skin. They are also the best choice for covering blemishes as theydo not cake or crease easily. If you have dry skin,cream and stick concealers are your best bet. Make it a point tothink about the level of coverage that you require as well - most liquid concealers offer medium coverage that can be built up to heavy, whilst stick concealers tend to offer heavycoverage to begin with. For light coverage that simply evens out your skin tone, pen concealers with a brush for the tip are a great buy and extremely practical for girls on the go.
Different Colors Have Different Purposes
Concealers come in many different shades and at first glance, this can be extremely confusing. Once you understand what the purpose of each hue is, you can select exactly what you need with ease. Concealers with a peach or pink undertone should be used to hide dark circles, because the warm shade cancels out the blue of the eye-bags. Green concealer is ideal for reducing the appearance of blemishes; the cool tone diminishes the redness. Finally, if you want to even out your skin tone, concealers with a yellow undertone are the way to go.
How To Apply Your Concealer
Contrary to what some may say, concealer should always be applied underneath your foundation for a natural look. Additionally, you cannot use concealer all over your face as a substitute for foundation; concealers are meant for small patches of discoloration and blemishes. If you try to use it in place of your foundation, the result will not be pretty.It is absolutely critical that you apply the product with a clean finger, brush or sponge for an even finish and to keep your makeup clean.
If you are using concealer to cover up your dark circles, apply the product in a downward triangle for the best results. Blend it into your skin and apply some powder over the area to set the makeup.
For covering up pimples, apply the concealer in the middle of the spot and move outwards. Next, using a clean finger to cover the green concealer with a pink one. Finally, apply some powder to the area so that all three products blend together and set well.
You Can Use Concealer For Contouring
When it comes to a night out, up the ante by using two shades of concealer to contour your face. To do so, you need one concealer that is two shades lighter than your skin tone and one concealer that is two shades darker. Simply put, use the light concealer for areas that catch the light naturally like your chin, forehead and the middle of your nose. Use the darker shade for those areas that are naturally shaded like below the apples of your cheek and the sides of your eyebrows. Use a brush or sponge to blend well and you have fashioned yourself a lovely, well-defined face!
For more beauty tips, check out the 10 Beauty Tips Every Girl Needs To Know.